Thanks a lot Dr. Mahathir for EVERYTHING you did for our country. :')
I can proudly say that i am one of yr biggest hugest fan!
What you had contribute to M'sia were beyond amazing, everyone can tell that!
If it wasn't bcse of you i highly certain M'sia is going to be as almost the same as Indonesia.
Anyway, 5 days & 4 nights at bandung wasn't really great..
Didnot meet my expectation though.. ):):
But itskay! I definitely appreciate AND enjoyed a few places :D such as factory outlet store, safari park, volcano thingy and... ermm tak ingat :S
The Safari Park was the chunnest one though!
They actually let go the animals to hang around while we inside the car feeding most of the animals with carrots.
It was reaaaaaallllllllllllllllyyyy reallllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy seriously goooooood to actually see the white tiger, lion, leopard, jaguar eye to eye while they are not in a cage or wtv =D!
Eventhough, u can't feed these wild animals but to actually see them like in a reallllllly reaaaallllly close distant was sucha an amazing experience! No exaggerating.
And the most unforgettable momment was when the white tiger and lion fought right infront of our car! It was rather scary thoughhh.. my mum chickened out and ask us to LOCK THE DOOR. And i was like 'lock the door?' are you for reaaaaal ibu? hahahahaha
I am sure enuff the lion nor the tiger doesnt even know how to open the door X.X hahaha okay moving on
The safari park was kinna odd actually...but to be completely honest, it worth every penny of my parents money. So if it happens you're going to bandung, do not forget to go to the safari park despite the ticket price which was kinna high. but hey, seriously it's reasonable!
andd okay dah fana. stop. now i sound like advertising this safari world. T.T
Okay now, i am out of idea already.
Will possibly blogging again after my mid term exam!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I've ALMOST zero knowledge about studies.
The pressure is on baby as alllllllll my friends are studying and talking about exams..
and me, i did not start. YET.
Tonight fana, tonight! Go, you can do it! You still have time babeyh!
Thanks so much mummy daddy for taking me to vacation. T.T
If I scored below 10 for my addmath this time(only this timela), I know who to blame!
HAHA okay dahdah gdbye!
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