Yes, my hair.
My fringe looks bloody loathsome.. I mean literally.
I'm not going to publish any photos of me looking so idiotic with that kinna fringe.
but I just want you guys to know what's bugging me the most now..
Sighhhh, i'm gonna pin my fringe for the entire month untill my freaking fringe grow.
Enough said :(
By the way, HIII I'm typing this on National Day! YEAAAY, i'm at home. zzzz
Most of my friends probably must be celebrating merdeka at the curve which i loathed to go due to a number of reasonable excuses..Well the First reason is, I'm being merely anxious bcse of my brother is in ICU Khota Bharu, Kelantan diagnosing testicles disease. A tremendously bad mishap. Second, i'm running out of $ and my money sponsors are at Kampung now. And for the last reason, I am being bizarre, NO MOOD FOR PARTYING. Yudesh said ''tak ada orng yang tak ade mood nak party'' . but i guess ada lah. It was definitely me. HAHA
Mmmm, let's see exam is around the corner.. yet i still haven't started studying. My balls are shrinking whenever I think of it :S I should've probably started to revise by now! but the matter is I'm plaaaaainnnn lazyyyyyyy to studyyyyyyy. to go out with friends. to go to school. to be more gregarious as i used to. to have some :D:D . I've no idea whyyy. ZZZZZ. I'm feeling a little vague & uneasyyy. It's almost 2 am, I'm still not able to sleep. I think i'm fill with gloom about my brother's condition. Well, he's not suffering any severe disease. i was just KIDDING initially. He's been suffering dengue berdarah( i don't know what is dengue berdarah in english, but what i know is this symptom, the blood on the skin layer couldn't stop flowing) for almost 1 week. The worst part is, he's getting worse. My mum couldn't stop worrying. Neither do I. Hmmm well, the most I can do is just say a little prayer for him. Haaaaaaaaaaaih, nothing much to say doe. Gdnite ;/
x Fana x
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Wondering.. hrmmm.
I'm wondering why the Warner Bros. pushed the new Harry Potter movie's release date from November '08 to July '09 ? Hrmm couldn't find for any better explanation . If it's happen you know the reason why, do inform me. Thank youuu.
Random questions : I'm still searching for the precise answer why you're acting so supercilious toward me ?
Current Dissapointment : Haaiiih, I know you could've done better Lee Chong Wei. Despite the loss, I'm still proud of you because you're the first athlete who has acquired the first medal for M'sia tanah tumpahnya darah kita for Olympics 2008, if i'm not mistaken laah. Chaiyok, chaiyok ! HAHA, By the way,i was extremely fill with mental suffering while watching the final men's single badminton tournament due to the straight sets Lin Dan (China) overpowered Lee Chong Wei. Eventhough most of the reviews saying that Lee Chong Wei is no match for the most sensation badmintion player Lin Dan, I totally disagree with that statement upon to Lee deafeated Lin at the Thomas Cup in May and last year at the Japan Open. Blame the spectators whom hardly support our athlete.. Well, perhaps can't blame them 100% because most of them are form China. KAN ? hissh. From what my maid told me, Lee's beau is one of the spectators ! If i was the woman, I should've probably create quite a number of banners, shout my lungs out solely for him & gave him a real sense of pleasure right before the tournament started ! That will certainly boost his strength and gear up his energy ;p KAAAN ? Craaaaaaaaap, okayokay i was just crapping. Period. Let's continue the last part of the issue. From my opinion, Lin Dan was overreacting when the game ends. In case you've no idea what he did, he took off his SMELLY & UGLAAYH pair of shoes and threw them into the crowd ? Wth. I must say that was a total vulgar behaviour. If terkena orang tua's head how ? If tercrack the brain how ? If you give me your freaking shoes infront of my face, I'll just spit (as if i dare to) right at you and sell the shoes(sure ramai amoi nak kan ? winkwink*). I'm serious, I don't like people simply throwing things uncontrolably. HAHA lame jokes again. Yeah yeah, I'm not that gangster lahh, (not trying to offend a certain someone HAHA) or maybe I just take that matter Very seriously because i still haven't manage to deal with the China's stupid-idiotic-victory . Haiiih, After all and alll, Lin Dan's well groomed face & physique still drew my attention and obviously caught my eyes ! He's not the typical chinese guy, literally. No offend but his eyes is not squinted. HAHA not like czhe hou OR EVEN JOHAN. Omg, he's so weird. His eyes is hardly open widely, maybe that's the main reason why he always slept in the class for the most part. sigh.... but STOP RIGHT THERE, that doesn't mean he did not acknowledge his eyes. I found out from Rifdi & Helmi he oftenly watch porn during Ict lesson and seize his eyes by peek a boo at girl's tender part. Whaat thee lah Johan ni =.='' I certainly hope he's not reading this as this might hurt his feelings ;D buut it's freaking truth, tak percaye ke ? Ask my classmates. Okayy skip that parttt ! Tak nak condemn people anymore ;]
" Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you "
-Afrterlife, Avenged Sevenfold-
The pick up line from that particular song couldn't stop lingering in my mind, couldn't search for a decent reason. HAHA, wtv. Random feelings.. Well, ignore that (:
It is 3.24 am, and Supringsly (a bit je),I'm still awake... I'm not able to fall into amazing dreams like what i should've probably be doing by now.. Maybe because I miss my mummy too much that it hurts.. CHEEEY, haha. I memang miss her la, my dad & also my sakai adiks and lunatic abang . It's been four freaking lonely days they off to kampung. I was reluctant to follow them travelling due to my laziness & my HOME ALONE PERIOD. Well, not really home alone laah as my maid pun tak follow them kan. HAHA, but still i feel the Power is in my hand ! I can do whatever i could possibly do, nobody nags me around, no 'FARHANA, URUT ABAH' no 'PERGI BASUH BILIK AIR' no 'STOP LA CHATTING TU' no 'BANGUN LA ADIK, DAH PETANG NI' no 'ADIK, JOM TEMAN IBU KUAR' oh noo nooo, I miss that last phrase. Yes, i miss that because i'm stuck here at home with a lot of things to be settle down! Currently no mood for outing as everyone seems to balik kampung such as tqot. and syaza. and sue and tak ingat. Anyway, Farah did sleepover at my place ystrday ! I'm gonna update about that tmrw mates ! hrrm I'm getting nausea of reading blogs and crapping here and there..sooo that's all for the most lousiest post ever. HAHA LAME, i know. Ciao retards! Goodnite :p
Farhana Rozario.
Random questions : I'm still searching for the precise answer why you're acting so supercilious toward me ?
Current Dissapointment : Haaiiih, I know you could've done better Lee Chong Wei. Despite the loss, I'm still proud of you because you're the first athlete who has acquired the first medal for M'sia tanah tumpahnya darah kita for Olympics 2008, if i'm not mistaken laah. Chaiyok, chaiyok ! HAHA, By the way,i was extremely fill with mental suffering while watching the final men's single badminton tournament due to the straight sets Lin Dan (China) overpowered Lee Chong Wei. Eventhough most of the reviews saying that Lee Chong Wei is no match for the most sensation badmintion player Lin Dan, I totally disagree with that statement upon to Lee deafeated Lin at the Thomas Cup in May and last year at the Japan Open. Blame the spectators whom hardly support our athlete.. Well, perhaps can't blame them 100% because most of them are form China. KAN ? hissh. From what my maid told me, Lee's beau is one of the spectators ! If i was the woman, I should've probably create quite a number of banners, shout my lungs out solely for him & gave him a real sense of pleasure right before the tournament started ! That will certainly boost his strength and gear up his energy ;p KAAAN ? Craaaaaaaaap, okayokay i was just crapping. Period. Let's continue the last part of the issue. From my opinion, Lin Dan was overreacting when the game ends. In case you've no idea what he did, he took off his SMELLY & UGLAAYH pair of shoes and threw them into the crowd ? Wth. I must say that was a total vulgar behaviour. If terkena orang tua's head how ? If tercrack the brain how ? If you give me your freaking shoes infront of my face, I'll just spit (as if i dare to) right at you and sell the shoes(sure ramai amoi nak kan ? winkwink*). I'm serious, I don't like people simply throwing things uncontrolably. HAHA lame jokes again. Yeah yeah, I'm not that gangster lahh, (not trying to offend a certain someone HAHA) or maybe I just take that matter Very seriously because i still haven't manage to deal with the China's stupid-idiotic-victory . Haiiih, After all and alll, Lin Dan's well groomed face & physique still drew my attention and obviously caught my eyes ! He's not the typical chinese guy, literally. No offend but his eyes is not squinted. HAHA not like czhe hou OR EVEN JOHAN. Omg, he's so weird. His eyes is hardly open widely, maybe that's the main reason why he always slept in the class for the most part. sigh.... but STOP RIGHT THERE, that doesn't mean he did not acknowledge his eyes. I found out from Rifdi & Helmi he oftenly watch porn during Ict lesson and seize his eyes by peek a boo at girl's tender part. Whaat thee lah Johan ni =.='' I certainly hope he's not reading this as this might hurt his feelings ;D buut it's freaking truth, tak percaye ke ? Ask my classmates. Okayy skip that parttt ! Tak nak condemn people anymore ;]
" Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you "
-Afrterlife, Avenged Sevenfold-
The pick up line from that particular song couldn't stop lingering in my mind, couldn't search for a decent reason. HAHA, wtv. Random feelings.. Well, ignore that (:
It is 3.24 am, and Supringsly (a bit je),I'm still awake... I'm not able to fall into amazing dreams like what i should've probably be doing by now.. Maybe because I miss my mummy too much that it hurts.. CHEEEY, haha. I memang miss her la, my dad & also my sakai adiks and lunatic abang . It's been four freaking lonely days they off to kampung. I was reluctant to follow them travelling due to my laziness & my HOME ALONE PERIOD. Well, not really home alone laah as my maid pun tak follow them kan. HAHA, but still i feel the Power is in my hand ! I can do whatever i could possibly do, nobody nags me around, no 'FARHANA, URUT ABAH' no 'PERGI BASUH BILIK AIR' no 'STOP LA CHATTING TU' no 'BANGUN LA ADIK, DAH PETANG NI' no 'ADIK, JOM TEMAN IBU KUAR' oh noo nooo, I miss that last phrase. Yes, i miss that because i'm stuck here at home with a lot of things to be settle down! Currently no mood for outing as everyone seems to balik kampung such as tqot. and syaza. and sue and tak ingat. Anyway, Farah did sleepover at my place ystrday ! I'm gonna update about that tmrw mates ! hrrm I'm getting nausea of reading blogs and crapping here and there..sooo that's all for the most lousiest post ever. HAHA LAME, i know. Ciao retards! Goodnite :p
Farhana Rozario.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Somebody Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaveeeeeeeeee meeeeeee, idc how you do, but just stay, stay..come on.
HAHA i love that remy zero's song since I was baby.. cheeyh exaggerating. Well, actually since I watched the Smallville series laaa. My mummy loves him to deathhhh, haha exaggerate lagi. LAME =.=' My mum actually thinks his pair of eyes was alluring. I think she's absolutely correct. I find his body is too seductive! HAHA, okay stopSTOP. My tittle of the post has utterly nothing to do with Clark Kent! :D Well, do anyone care to help me do all those tag thingy & the chat box ? I'm plain lazy to do it by my own =.=' Fern leigh once promised me to lend a hand doing the tag but I think most probably she has no time to spare for my boring & not updated blog, so she purapura tak ingat la kott. HAHA if you're reading this fernfern, don't be raguragu to help me because you promise me alreadyy, hehe :D
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The First Poem :')
Fana , you're the sun, you're the only one.
You're the wine, you're mine.
My heart is blue, my heart is true for you.
I look like a fool but u look beautiful.
Did it hurt ? When you fell from the sky?
Let me lessen your pain,
From my heart and vein.
Eventhough the star & moon is bright,
You're still my moonlight.
Although you go far away my soulmate,
I will patiently wait.
The ocean may be deep & far,
I'll always follow wherever you're.
Eventhough you've armpit hair,
You still look fair. (benggggoooongg, tak de idea lah tuu ;pp HAHA )
The sky may be blue at day & dark at night,
But i'll always be your shining knight.
If you're hurt by an enemy with a quite number,
I'll protect you with my shining armour.
We cry & we fall,
With you i feel nothing at all.
When i look at your face daily,
You look like a baby.
Hearts break & papers shred with you my heart will never be sad.
Table, paper, book & chair for you i always care.
I was crazy & unwise but with your love i became more wise.
I love you with all my heart,
Please accept me with your true heart.
Tress & soil rely on each other so do we when we're together
Written by,

Ahmad Noor Rifdi Razmi ♥
You're the wine, you're mine.
My heart is blue, my heart is true for you.
I look like a fool but u look beautiful.
Did it hurt ? When you fell from the sky?
Let me lessen your pain,
From my heart and vein.
Eventhough the star & moon is bright,
You're still my moonlight.
Although you go far away my soulmate,
I will patiently wait.
The ocean may be deep & far,
I'll always follow wherever you're.
Eventhough you've armpit hair,
You still look fair. (benggggoooongg, tak de idea lah tuu ;pp HAHA )
The sky may be blue at day & dark at night,
But i'll always be your shining knight.
If you're hurt by an enemy with a quite number,
I'll protect you with my shining armour.
We cry & we fall,
With you i feel nothing at all.
When i look at your face daily,
You look like a baby.
Hearts break & papers shred with you my heart will never be sad.
Table, paper, book & chair for you i always care.
I was crazy & unwise but with your love i became more wise.
I love you with all my heart,
Please accept me with your true heart.
Tress & soil rely on each other so do we when we're together
Written by,

Ahmad Noor Rifdi Razmi ♥
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
I love you dearly, s.o.k :'( Can't imagine my days without you in school. Gonna miss everything that you used to do. Things has definitely change now. I wish i own a time machine. So that, I could catch a glimpse of you for the last time again.
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