Helloooo peopleeeee!
I've been m.i.a for quite some time now. It's not that i was busy studying for SPMMMMMMMMM or whatsoever (i wish i had), but i just couldn't find any right time to update evrything!
Okay, First things first my raya with ze familia was great. Eventhou it wasn't the best, but i'm stilll content as i had the chance to celebrated it at both sides :)
But that's just it. On the mucccccccccch mucccccchh pathetic note, an unidentified moron stole my duit raya -.- SIGH I was beyond pissed at the time that nobody bother to shut me up from swearing and cursing.
SERIOUSLY, curse you real hard pencuri.
Now, i forgot what i should've been updating at the beginning. Haaaih i'm a real sucker at blogging la nowadays. FORGIVE ME
By the wayyyy, i had a great time with the friends today. We went to 3 open houses straight in a row which happened to be Aleef's, Suraya's & Shahrul Helmy's :) Thanks to Dann and Safwan for driving us all the way round! :) Appreciate it!
SPM IS LIKE FREAKING COMING, dude!!!!! As usual i'm 24/7 chicken out about the whollee matter but has totallly nooooooooooo i mean literally noooooooooooo initiave to start prepare and STUDY. GOOODD, why on earth am i so lazy to start studying like an one true spm candidate? PUNCH ME REAL HARD PLEASE.
Now, where's my wake up call?